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Video: Because it's not a reality TV summer without a few gay slurs

by Jeremy Hooper

In recent seasons, "Big Brother" has become known as much for the unfortunate slurs that fly from some of its houseguests' mouths as it has for the competition itself. Why should this year be different?


In his CBS bio, this thoroughly "charming" cast member, Jeff, says that "He lives by the motto 'treat others as you'd like to be treated,' and hopes others in the house will live by that too." So we have to wonder: Why, exactly, does he want to be treated like a dehumanized, ostracized outcast who's being shunned for an innate characteristic he or she cannot and should not change? The emotional masochism must be some reality TV thing that we don't understand (like "showmances" or why one signs up for most of these shows in the first place).

Andy Towle has more: Big Brother 11's Jeff Unleashes Torrent of Homophobic Slurs [TR]

**SEE ALSO: Last year's homo-hostility: Ollie, Ollie f*ggots free [G-A-Y]

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Your thoughts

What a lovely person. Thanks for the reminder of why I don't watch that show.

Posted by: Mike in the Tundra | Jul 14, 2009 2:46:19 PM

Does he only know one adjective?

Posted by: SammySeattle | Jul 14, 2009 5:56:26 PM

I had only noticed his comments because Jeremy had pointed them out. Otherwise I would have perceived the "fu***ng f**gots" as just another part of his quite monotonous diatribe. However my girlfriend uses those words all the time, in addition to calling stupid and corny things gay. Maybe I'm used to it lol...

Posted by: Anna | Jul 14, 2009 7:35:00 PM

Anna: His other diatribe is more pointedly anti-gay. You can find it at the Towle link: http://www.towleroad.com/2009/07/big-brother-contestant-unleashes-tirade-of-faggot-slurs.html

The beauty part about the other one, however, is that his sparring partner makes a point of standing up for the gays. In fact, it's his immediate instinct to do so.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Jul 14, 2009 8:08:48 PM

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