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Video: If credibility began and ended at FOF's front door, then vids like this might help
Even more Focus on the Family staffers, one of them a professional "ex-gay," are desperately trying to make NARTH sound like an objective, respected voice of science, and their new fallacious "report" sound like something worth more than the paper its printed on:
Ha! A group that is relying on an organization that was created by their own side for the sole purpose of justifying their team's ludicrous "ex-gay" ideas is actually decrying those who rely on the findings of APA, an actual body of science? Why that's kind of like a kid who has only imaginary friends getting pissed because other children get to have sleepovers that exist outside of their own minds!
But Melissa, that being said: We couldn't be more supportive of your right to control your own destiny. We couldn't be more supportive of your right to sign on to any form of science that you personally find brainy. Want to let a fifth grader with a chemistry set declare you to be a flower? Well more power to ya -- declare yourself to be a petunia, if you want. That is your prerogative.
What we will not accept, and what we will NOT tolerate, are your deliberate attempts to muddy the waters of actuality in a way that exalts personal, faith-based convictions (for which you obtain a paycheck) above actual research. And that, if you are honest, Melissa, is exactly what you are hoping to do. That is why you boldly declare homosexuality to be born out of molestation. That is why you spend your days advocating rather than silently counseling behind closed doors. That is why you denounce lesbian entertainment. That is why your "ex-gay" efforts deliberately target parents. It's because you and FOF want to not only change your own identities -- you also want to change the way sexual orientation is seen. And that, Mel, is not only offensive to us gay people -- it's also offensive to those whose scientific methods lead them to seek out a better understanding of the world's reality rather than lead them to find new ways that they can shape-shift reality so that it more conveniently fits their desired, myopic outcomes.
Report Finds Change in Orientation is Possible [Citizenlink]
**EARLIER: WOW, shocker -- professional 'ex-gay' advocates support professional 'ex-gay' advocacy! [G-A-Y]
**MORE: NARTH Author Admits Newly Touted Study Contains ‘No New Science’ [XGW]