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Video: Nun, your business: Catholic group determined to make people dislike you
We've read about the so-called Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) group's plans to traverse the Northeastern United States in order to rile up disdain for gay people. And we've already seen them in action in Maine (where they brazenly declared that a marriage is not a true marriage unless it involves God). Now check out this video from White Plains, NY, where the self-proclaimed "militant Catholics" were recently on the ground to work their oh-so high-minded "Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve" nonsense:
Now, this person shouldn't have hit the camera. We don't need to do that. Their hurtful actions can be belied better with brains than with fists.
But that being said: What is with this group's obsession? Seriously. Isn't there an actual societal problem to which Jesus would prefer they apply their unique brand of street corner activism?
Traditional Marriage Crusade in New York 2009 - Pro-Homosexual ASSAULTS Cameraman! [YT]
Your thoughts
This black man is a fool. He supports TFP, a group opposed to every kind of egalitarianism. If TFP had its way, this man would be a slave.
Posted by: Frank | Jul 22, 2009 1:37:45 PM
Of course the dimwits at TFP don't seem to realize that this cretin is providing an argument against a celibate priesthood, after all the Catholic priesthood does not multiply either.
Posted by: Frank | Jul 22, 2009 1:54:46 PM
Probably his most accurate comment came at 1:57 - "I don't get it. I don't get it."
Posted by: Harrison | Jul 22, 2009 1:57:55 PM
No matter how many times I watch clips like this, I still can't fathom the logic of anti-family groups like TFP.
What makes them so passionate about hurting people?
So passionate about taking children from their parents?
So passionate about separating spouses from one another?
So passionate about allowing children to be bullied?
All in the name of God.
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." --Voltaire
It's so sad and scary.
Posted by: Jake | Jul 22, 2009 4:09:08 PM
whenever i hear people say "adam and eve, not adam and steve" i want to punch them in the face. of all the absurd reasons people give for denying lgbt people their rights, bronze age mythology involving a talking snake is the makes me the most sick.
Posted by: Jordan | Jul 22, 2009 6:02:48 PM
Well, I have said it before, but if you read Genesis, "god" didn't make Adam and Eve. He made Adam. Eve was an afterthought. "God's" original plan, according to Genesis, didn't include Eve.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Jul 22, 2009 6:57:02 PM
Aren't we all forgetting Lilith?
Posted by: Timothy (TRiG) | Jul 23, 2009 6:50:52 AM
hey, i am catholic, and i am also BISEXUAL! but what some people are saying these days is just nonsense! God made u who you are. if He did NOT want people to be homosexual, or LGBT he would of made it so.
Posted by: Amber | Aug 1, 2009 11:26:22 PM
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