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Video: Who is Handsy McGroper (R-IntoDavidBrooks)?
David Brooks: Moderate New York Times columnist. "Newshour" commentator. Fender-offer of Republican Senator's gay advances? Uhm...
David Brooks: A Republican senator put ‘his hand on my inner thigh’ for a ‘whole’ dinner party. [Think progress]
Your thoughts
Shades of Protocol (1984), with Goldie Hawn, but with much more of a same-sex twist. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant movie (imho) for anyone who hasn't seen it - Goldie Hawn was the original Clueless, who got shot in the ass while lunging onto an armed gunman who was intent on shooting the president.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Jul 13, 2009 1:25:27 PM
No one knows? Ask Rachel M.
Posted by: LOrion | Jul 14, 2009 12:27:21 AM
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