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Anti-gay Mainers get a spruce up; unfortunately their views aren't what was overhauled

by Jeremy Hooper

The so-called Stand For Marriage Maine coalition has just relaunched their website:

Picture 11-136
Stand For Marriage Maine

Now, we're not sure if their new stock photo family is in violation of terms of service the way their old family was, as we have yet to fully investigate the new provider's policies (we're on it). However, while we wait to find out, we can't help put find delicious irony in their new photo provider's name:

Picture 12-102
Monkey Business Images

"Monkey business" indeed.

But new website, new graphics -- it doesn't really matter. We're confident Mainers will look right through the deceptively cheery monkey business, and fully see the banana peel that Stand For Marriage Maine is hoping to place along equality's progressive path!

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Your thoughts

Hey, look at how happy they are to be filled with hate and ignorance! That's cute.

Posted by: Katelyn | Aug 27, 2009 12:19:40 AM

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