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Bedfellows. Strange?

by Jeremy Hooper

200908241523-1We've already shown you how Maine's "official" anti-marriage equality campaign is indelibly connected to the state's most diarrhea-mouthed anti-gay activist, Mike Heath. Now that same campaign is getting backing from another fringe group who they surely wish would stay in the closet: SPLC-certified hate group, MassResistance.

This from a newly posted MassResistance article:

Make no mistake about it: the homosexual lobby is absolutely determined to win this one. Most important, winning this election in Maine is a national goal for the homosexual movement. It would have effects in California and other places.

They are using their "lessons learned" from other states here. They believe that a win in Maine will have domino effect in California, Iowa, and other states across the country.

They must be stopped. Is our side up to it?

Homosexual movement begins massive campaign to win "gay marriage" vote in Maine this November [MR]

So let's see, Mainers: On the anti-equality side you have Mike Heath, a man who thinks gays are responsible for bad weather, graffiti, and economic downturns; you have MassResistance, an out-of-state group whose ire has earned them the dubious distinction of being one of only 11 anti-gay outfits in the country to appear on the Southern Poverty Law Center's hate groups list; and you have them both supporting the so-called "people's veto," a campaign that's headed up by Bob Emrich, a man who supports unscientific "ex-gay" therapy." And on the pro-fairness side you have a broad-based coalition who want nothing more than civil equality under the law (*which, btw, leaves ample room for folks to despise us as much as they want, just as long as they keep that disdain out of civil law!)

Pine Tree locals: Your state is known for its lighthouses. Please tell us that their bright glare is picking up on these easily discernible dots!

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