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Breaking: Anchorage mayor makes horrible decision
[Republican] Mayor Dan Sullivan today vetoed an ordinance that would ban discrimination against gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered people in Anchorage.
In a statement e-mailed minutes ago, Sullivan said he sees no need for the measure.
"My review shows that there is clearly a lack of quantifiable evidence necessitating this ordinance," the mayor said. "My review also shows that the vast majority of those who communicated their position on the ordinance are in opposition."
Sullivan vetoes gay rights ordinance [Anchorage Daily News]
Score another one for majority tyranny being used to make a minority population more vulnerable.
Oh and remember, Anchorage gays: Start recording every slight you face as you go about your day to day existence, so that the easily discernible problem of anti-LGBT bias might be "quantifiable" enough in the future. Ugh. So disgusting!
**UPDATE: Don't forget the sort of rhetoric that the opposition used to oppose this measure: 'Gays don't face discrimination,' says she who represents gay-discriminatory group [G-A-Y]
**MORE: Even worse rhetoric can be found at link. This is the kind of fringe extremism with which Mayor Sullivan sided: Sexual Orientation Summarized
****MORE, MORE: If one of the four opposing members of the Assembly changes their vote in the next 21 days, they can override the mayor's veto. So reminding them of the kinds of lies and affronts contained in the above links could be handy.
The four "no" voters (Debbie Ossiander, Chris Birch, Bill Starr and Dan Coffey) can be reached at: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Your thoughts
Maybe one of the 4 no votes in the assembly hates the mayor enough to switch to a yes vote.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Aug 17, 2009 7:30:14 PM
OF COURSE he vetoed it; he's a Republican (the Party of NO). Are we surprised? No, but still are sad about the decision. In Iowa, 7 are currently considering running for Governor next year on the Republican ticket; all but one keep bringing up "you know what"... Disgusting.
Posted by: David Twombley | Aug 17, 2009 8:01:55 PM
Damn! I just had amazing night with my boyfriend until I saw SOS. It was the most vitriol website I have ever seen!
Posted by: Jeff Chang | Aug 18, 2009 1:18:12 AM
I wish I could be surprised but this is the state that elected Sarah Palin governor.
Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Aug 18, 2009 5:47:05 AM
I just emailed them all a personal message about my childhood in Anchorage and how much freedom to be myself was born in my years spent there, and that I hoped they would consider that taking the leap to protect sexual minorities - whether or not they "agree" with them - was one of the strongest, most patriotic things they could do to bring pride to Anchorage and Alaska. I'll let you know if I hear back.
Posted by: Brad | Aug 18, 2009 5:59:11 PM
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