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Carrie's NOM-affiliated attorney: More anti-us than we even realized!
Earlier today we gave you a little taste of Charles LiMandri, the attorney who (a) serves as NOM's general counsel and (b) is representing Carrie Prejean in her fight against the Miss California USA organization. But even our recollection of how he once called same-sex unions "societal suicide" and said that the "destruction of the concept of gender is perhaps Satan's greatest accomplishment" was not even enough to fully detail the expanse of Mr. LiMandri's intense anti-gayness. Fortunately we have found a Powerpoint presentation that fully fleshes it all out.
- Links to rabidly anti-gay sites like Free Republic, MassResistance (when it was still called "Article 8 Alliance"), and Americans For Truth
- A link to disgraced Dr. Paul Cameron as a credible source of information, a complete third rail in "pro-family" politics
- A list of "What You Can Do To Fight The Homosexual Agenda," as compiled by the far-right Concerned Women For America
- Unabashed usage of church teaching to justify his legal opposition to marriage equality
- A definition of sodomy as being a "crime against nature"
All and more can be found in Mr. Limandri's "legal" work:
C LiMandri's Marriage Presentation
Your thoughts
Jeremy, you KNOW i gotta get a piece of this
Posted by: a. mcewen | Aug 31, 2009 6:30:02 PM
Go to page 20 and try to keep your jaw from hitting the floor.
Their first "stat" in the Homosexuals experience is that we're murdered 116 times more often.
Yes because of asshats like him.
Posted by: Tony P | Aug 31, 2009 7:08:03 PM
Wow, that's special. It's like reading my parents' mail.
Posted by: RebLaw | Aug 31, 2009 7:14:14 PM
Really! Has the man read or thought anything new since 1960?
Posted by: LOrion | Aug 31, 2009 7:49:39 PM
Why would she do such a thing like this...
Posted by: Thomas Jones | Aug 31, 2009 9:20:56 PM
8000 people die of AIDS each day... and nearly all of them are heterosexual.
In the US in 2007, 14,561 people died of AIDS, about half of which were gay men. That comes to about 20 gay deaths per day. Most of the rest of those 8,000 are in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia where the vast overwhelming majority of victims of this disease are heterosexual.
If LiMandri worships any god, he evidently worships a god of lies and deceit. As a Christian, I already know the name of the Father of Lies.
Posted by: Timothy Kincaid | Sep 1, 2009 1:56:47 PM
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