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Et tu, CT AG?

by Jeremy Hooper

You might know that Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley, in a stroke of principled action, filed a suit challenging that nasty Defense of Marriage Act and the federal rights and protections that it denies to legally-married same-sex couples. But what about other AGs who preside over states with marriage equality? Where is their enlightened effort?

Paul-Sousa-1One twentysomething is asking that very question of Connecticut's head legal eagle:

What about the attorney general in the second* state in the nation to legalize gay marriage? A law student from Boston is launching a campaign aimed at pressuring Connecticut AG Richard Blumenthal to follow in Coakley's footsteps.

"Since marriage equality is indeed the law in Connecticut, we strongly urge Attorney General Blumenthal to follow Massachusetts' lead and stand up for the citizens and laws of his state by filing a lawsuit against the discriminatory federal Defense Of Marriage Act." said Paul Sousa, the activist behind the campaign.

A 22-year-old who will attend Boston College law school in the fall, Sousa is using Facebook and other social media to encourage people to flood Blumenhal's office next week with calls and letters. He says he just launched the effort last week and already, more than 500 people have pledged to take part.

Law student wants Blumenthal to sue the feds over the Defense of Marriage Act [Courant CapitolWatch blog]
(H/t: Towle)

It is the Constitution State, after all. Here's hoping Blumenthal will help us remove the childish, anti-American barricade that prevents the fair and accurate implementation of the same!

**Sousa's Facebook organizing: Marriage Equality is the law in Connecticut - Urge Blumenthal to Defend It! [F'book]
More: Defend The Law

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