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Excellent. Maybe this year we can fight our opposition rather than each other
It's a historic day in D.C. That's because for the first time, a fully inclusive version of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) has been introduced in the Senate:
Said HRC President Joe Solmonese:
“The introduction of an inclusive employment non-discrimination bill in the U.S. Senate is an important and historic step in ending discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. No American, and that includes LGBT Americans, should have to worry about their livelihood being taken away from them simply for being who they are. The overwhelming majority of the American people are in favor of this legislation and now is the time for our community to visit their representatives in Congress to let them know we need this passed into law.”
Inclusive ENDA Introduced in Senate for First Time [HRC Backstory]
We hear that the far-right, not to be outdone, has vowed to more fully include bullcrap into this year's version of their anti-ENDA attacks.