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Funny, since he doesn't seem to like peter all that much
We've always said that we won't really achieve true visibility until we get a foul-mouthed animated baby on our team:
Seth MacFarlane outs baby Stewie in 'Family Guy': He's gay, MacFarlane says in Playboy interview [Gatecrasher] (H/t: Towle)
Welcome, Stewie. But we're not gonna lie: A big piece of our heart will always be with Bam Bam Rubble.
Your thoughts
Not for nothing, but he was essentially outed a year and a half before Family Gay in The Advocate. McFarlane mentioned he was essentially gay and figuring it out himself but they never locked it in for sure because they got good jokes from both sides. Sethy's a BIIIIIIIIGGGGG proponent of gay rights, he's our buddy
Posted by: Jake | Aug 13, 2009 9:55:11 AM
Yea, Seth's a good one. And yea, he's pretty much said this before.
Seth's also a great talent. I had the pleasure of seeing him at Carnegie Hall, performing a two-person show with Alex Borstein (Lois, others). They were amazing.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Aug 13, 2009 10:09:39 AM
Stewie's gay? well thats only been obvious since the second season, I miss mad scientist stewie from season 1
Posted by: penguinsaur | Aug 13, 2009 1:45:52 PM
That's 50% crap. What about all the times he fell in love (or got turned on) by the opposite sex? We BIs aren't recognized enough in the media.
Posted by: ---- | Aug 14, 2009 12:30:45 AM
Eh, I care about this about as much as I did about the revelation tht Dumbledore was seen as gay by Rowling...that is to say, enough to comment about it on a message board.
Posted by: meltedrubbersoul | Aug 14, 2009 12:46:51 AM
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