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G.I.s, Joe: Solmonese is as doubtless as DADT is heartless
Optimism, thy name is Solmonese:
U.S. NEWS WRITER DAN GILGOFF: President Obama hasn't moved on promises to overturn "don't ask, don't tell" or the Defense of Marriage Act. Has he fulfilled his pledge to be a "fierce advocate for gay and lesbian Americans"?
HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN PRESIDENT JOE SOLMONESE: There have certainly been some glaring moments of insensitivity. The choice of Rick Warren, the language in the administration's court briefing defending DOMA—that has been incredibly disappointing. Having said that, this administration has worked side by side with us to get the hate crimes bill on his desk. They are laying groundwork on everything from expanding the federal government's nondiscrimination policy to cover transgender employees to ending the ban on HIV-positive people coming into the country.
GILGOFF: How confident are you that Obama will overturn don't ask, don't tell?
SOLMONESE: I'm certain. The president has made the commitment, and people working for the president that we work with have made the commitment. I have no doubt it will be overturned.
Why Gays Can Trust Obama [US News & WR]
(H/T: Advocate)
Solmonese's mouth ----------------> Democratic leadership's ears.
Your thoughts
i already commented on towle, but suffix to say, if he was committed to this he would have suspended the dismissals and ordered a review, prior to his submitting a new bill to congress.
Posted by: Tim | Aug 10, 2009 3:35:22 PM
um meant 'suffice'
Posted by: Tim | Aug 10, 2009 3:35:41 PM
I go to Basic Military Training for the Air Force in February for two months, then tech school for 13 weeks. I don't plan on being out in the military, but I don't want to lose my job if someone finds out. The thing the opposition needs to remember is that gay people are in the military already, we are joining the military for the same reasons as everyone else; a career, help with school, the experience
Posted by: Andrew | Aug 11, 2009 2:19:10 AM
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