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Happy b-day, Mr. Prez. We got you a link to some 'Advocate' scrutiny

by Jeremy Hooper

In the latest issue of The Advocate, reporter Michael Joseph Gross looks into "fierce advocate" Obama, what he has and has not accomplished in office, and the community frustrations that have defined this gay summer even more than gingham shirts, Adam Lambert, or the 40th anniversary of Stonewall. The cover story's not on newsstand's until later this month, but you can go read it online with the fierce urgency of now:

As a candidate Obama promised us a lot; as president he’s delivered very little -- and many gay people are getting impatient. Does the outcry unmask this president’s indifference, or reveal our own impotence as a movement?
Hope and History [Advocate]

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Your thoughts

I have a question for the community, Obama has been office for what-less than 6 months. Lets see you try and fix things in less than 200 days. There are some things that are more important. But if DADT isn't repealed by 2012 then I won't vote for the man, and I won't vote for a Republican no way no how.

Posted by: Pete | Aug 5, 2009 12:47:28 AM

Thank you, Pete, for taking the words right out of my mouth.

Posted by: Brian | Aug 5, 2009 8:18:25 AM

I agree with Pete basically. There are 2 wars going on, as well as an economy that has tanked and unemployment rising. There are a few years left in Obama's first term and I believe he will get around to the promises he has made. Not soon enough for some, but we will just have to hang in there.

Posted by: John Ozed | Aug 5, 2009 9:00:45 AM

John, Pete, Brian: Yea, that has been the basic position of this site and this writer. We have a responsibility to keep pressure on the administration, and we have to recognize that we might have a limited window of time in which to accomplish our goals. But I think we have to also be careful about losing perspective here.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Aug 5, 2009 9:40:59 AM

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