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I can see non-discrimination from my house

by Jeremy Hooper

anchorageToday in Anchorage, AK, Mayor Dan Sullivan will decide whether to let a recently passed ordinance that bans discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation go forth, or to use his veto pen to keep his gay constituents more vulnerable to harms:

Sullivan's deadline arrives today for deciding if he will veto the compromise ordinance passed by a 7-4 Assembly vote last week. If he does veto, the Assembly would need an eighth vote to make the ordinance become law over the mayor's opposition.

"He's getting inundated" with e-mails and phone calls, the mayor's spokeswoman, Sarah Erkmann, said Sunday.

Anchorage mayor must decide today on gay rights veto [Anchorage Daily News]

Or, if Alaska's recent past informs its present, he might just up and quit his job. We'll have to wait and see.

In the meantime, do as our new pal who we met at Netroots Nation, Shannyn Moore, says: Call Mayor Sullivan’s office. The number is 343.7100.

*UPDATE: HOLY CRAP, he vetoed it!

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Your thoughts

Of course he did. It's not in GAWD's plan.

Posted by: Michael | Aug 18, 2009 1:46:02 PM

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