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Photo: They see a storm, we see shelter

by Jeremy Hooper

In order to drum up fear of employment non-dsicrimination, Focus on the Family is running this stormy graphic:

 Images 09 08-20-09-1
TAKE ACTION: Lawmakers Push Special Rights for Gay Employees [FOF]

We just wonder why they cropped the photo so as to not show the full picture:


space gay-comment gay-G-A-Y-post gay-email gay-writer-jeremy-hooper

Your thoughts

Oh, Focus on the Family. Living here in Colorado, I have been fired from a job by one of their members! My replacement was later arrested for fraud. Shame that ENDA will lead to quality, qualified employees no longer losing their jobs based on who they love!

Posted by: Courtney | Aug 21, 2009 2:11:47 PM

People already have "special rights" based on their "behaviors". If you choose to adhere to a religion you can refuse to do your job duties (violation of my "religious beliefs"), refuse to serve certain clients/customers (those homos violate my "religious beliefs"), get days off from work (just claim they're "religious holidays"), etc, etc.

Always projecting those religious types.

Posted by: Buffy | Aug 21, 2009 5:10:40 PM

What, did the graphic artists at FOTF see how well the "storm" imagery worked for the National Organization for Marriage's widely reviled PSAs and decide they needed lots more of it?

I'm not sure how DOMA would work in a "right to work" state. There, you can be fired for, well, anything, and they don't have to give a good reason. But these groups, in their arguments for the "right" to discriminate, demonstrate why protections are needed.

Posted by: GreenEyedLilo | Aug 21, 2009 11:31:10 PM

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