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Putting a 'Pfffft!' to the PFOX 'win'
We've been really annoyed with the way various outlets have repurposed a new PFOX (Parents And Friends of Ex-Gays) press release as if it were even remotely based in fact. And all day long, we've been meaning to get to the matter, hoping to find the time to give it the proper vetting that it deserves.
Fortunately our pal Timothy Kincaid has spared us the trouble. Head over to Box Turtle Bulletin for an explanation of why PFOX's supposed legal "victory" is nothing of the sort:
PFOX Declares Victory in Court Defeat [BTB]
**SEE ALSO: The full opinion that, in PFOX's odd logic, somehow constitutes a win:
Judge Ross' Memorandum Opinion
Your thoughts
If this weren't so funny it would be sad.
Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Aug 25, 2009 7:40:53 PM
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