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Reasoned, principled stands: They say 'impeach!'; we say, 'Mmmm, peachy'

by Jeremy Hooper

California Attorney General Jerry Brown, per his considerable legal training, has come right out and said that he see Proposition 8 as unconstitutional. Therefore, he's not going to defend it in federal court. Here, let him explain it to you for himself:

On a similar token, Gov. Schwarznegger has deferred the matter to the courts, saying that "In a constitutional democracy, it is the role of the courts to determine and resolve such questions."

Fair enough, right?

Well, not to the Family Research Council it's not. On the organization's blog, writer Chris Gracek is literally calling for both men's impeachments"

The governor and the attorney general should be impeached — or recalled. Whether you love or loathe Proposition 8, it should be clear that executive branch of the California should defend the State’s constitution in court. To refuse to do so constitutes complete lawlessness.
Lawlessness California-style: Ahnuld and Moonbeam Take a Pass on Defending Prop 8 [FRC Blog]

Exactly, Chris: "Defend the state's constitution." Which is exactly what Brown and Schwarzenegger are doing: Defending themselves against the anti-constituional onslaught with which your side has managed to temporarily tarnish the Golden State. In doing so, they are also defending the millions of state residents who were unfairly wronged by majority tyranny. They are not going to defend what they know to be wrong, and they shouldn't be expected to do so!

But you discrimination proponents go ahead and play the ridiculous "impeachment" card while there's still time. In fairly short order, the vast majority of citizens are going find your discrimination indefensible. The governor and AG are just getting a head start.

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Your thoughts

A recall against the Governator might actually work, but not because he isn't supporting Prop H8. The budget is the big issue here, and Arnie hasn't been making a lot of friends on that front lately. But with only one year left in his last term, it isn't very likely that any effort would gain much traction. And, it's really ironic that Mr. Kahl-eeey-forn'-yah was himself voted in after Gray Davis was recalled.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Aug 13, 2009 1:34:19 PM

FACT: if a governor and AG in Iowa or some other equal state refused to recognize same-sex marriage these exact same people would applaud them as heroes.

Posted by: penguinsaur | Aug 13, 2009 1:43:43 PM

So, if prop 8 goes to the SCOTUS and is ruled against, does that mean we'll no longer have to waste millions of dollars again to be sure our rights in CA aren't taken away?

Posted by: ---- | Aug 14, 2009 12:27:40 AM

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