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'Report is flawed,' says group who report reported to be flawed

by Jeremy Hooper

Wow, shocker: The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), a group whose sole professional purpose is to foster the "ex-gay" fallacy, is attempting to refute a credibly scientific report that essentially invalidates their organized existence:

"NARTH appreciates that the APA stressed the importance of faith and religious diversity. Unfortunately, however, the report reflects a very strong confirmation bias; that is, the task force reflected virtually no ideological diversity."
NARTH Scores ‘Very Strong’ Bias in APA Report against Ex-Gay Therapy [AFT]

The American Psychological Association relied on biased science, NARTH? Funny, because to us the problem would seem to be your own militant reliance on "by us"-ed science.

But we get it. You need to stay afloat, and groups like the APA are your tidal wave. It's kind of how we feel about time's stoppage, the only Achilles Heel that could every destroy the pro-equality movement's inevitable victories!

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