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S.I.'s New House: Ferry-famous borough (finally) gets fairy-rific boogie hall
If you're not from the Big Apple or surrounding area, it might sound weird that one of NYC's five boroughs hasn't had a gay club in more than ten years. But if you're at all familiar with the quaint New York anomaly that is Staten Island, this story probably won't come as much of a shocker:
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- House beats blaring on the sound system, the brunette in the leopard skin tank top works her way onto the sunken dance floor. A silver-haired woman follows closely. Disco lights scramble.
The silver-haired woman wraps her lasso of choice -- a cotton, white sweater -- around the brunette's waist, pulling her close.
The pair groove like it's nobody's business. And it isn't -- especially not here at Q-SINY, the first openly gay nightclub and restaurant on Staten Island in more than a decade.
*KEEP READING: QSINY: Staten Island's first openly gay club in more than a decade [SILive]
A nice, long overdue development. Now if they'll just do a Working Girl theme night, we're totally there. The club provides the Dim Sum and Carly Simon soundtrack, we'll bring the shoulder pads and teased bangs.