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Video: Hurting gays, lacking the fortitude to admit it

by Jeremy Hooper

Maggie Gallagher, from yesterday's supposedly "non-political" NOM Rhode Island event:

It's also "not an accident" that some people are born gay, Maggie! And there is also "something special" about same-sex love! Stop overlooking the key issue here (i.e. your militant push to discriminate against LGBT people) while pushing your fear-mongery straw man (i.e. the ridiculous idea that anyone is threatening heterosexual couples/children). If you're going to throw an ice cream social that's so dripping in bias, at least be courageous enough in your convictions to admit that inequality is your whipped topping!

**MORE: Others who hope to make themselves feel better by telling their consciences that this anti-gay hurt that they're fostering is a "celebration" rather than discrimination:

Videos: Anchor Rising [YT]

We are not something that "the culture chooses to throw in [children's] paths," reverend! We are human frickin' beings! We are tax-paying American citizens. We are supporters of heterosexual unions, as well as homosexual ones! We are decent people who deserve civil equality!

You all call this a vow renewal, and we absolutely agree with you on that one. But to us, it's not the vow of commitment that was being recharged yesterday in Warwick, RI: It was the vow to mask personal, faith-based intolerance behind a veil of false compassion. It is a deeply insulting sight.

**SEE ALSO: Celebrate Marriage and Family Day in Warwick draws protest [Providence Journal]

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Your thoughts

Doesn't look very crowded. *tents fingers and does best Burns voice* Excellent.

Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Aug 17, 2009 8:56:00 AM

I wonder how often she can / will repeat that old "2 great halves of humanity" line...

Posted by: Kamikapse | Aug 17, 2009 9:28:49 AM

Chris Plante twice thanked people for "coming out" - just like Larry Craig!

Posted by: Dub Not Dubya | Aug 17, 2009 10:15:41 AM

I've heard her "2 great halves of humanity" tagline SO MUCH that I can mouth it right along with her now! I RARELY wish negative things against people, but I do hope that she ends up with a gay child as "punishment" for all her bigotry! This is actually the first time I ever heard she was married! I didn't know any man would touch her.

Posted by: John S | Aug 17, 2009 10:49:37 AM

from the classic punk band The Minutemen, who'd I'd like to think would be on our side in this.
This Ain't No Picnic


Posted by: John Ozed | Aug 17, 2009 10:58:47 AM

What is the "seventh generation"? is that a religious reference? I don't speak Mormon, but it sounds like a Mormonism.

My rough guestimation would put their turnout at maybe 300 to 400?? I guess the lack of free coffee and chowder put a damper on the turnout. I never heard who was supplying the Ice Cream? They must have required that their name not be listed as a sponsor - that might have been the smart path for all of their vendors.

Their poor turnout might be due to the fact that no one wanted to abide by that list of "rules" that they published. Forewarning the revelers that their asses would be kicked out if they pissed off the Gaglagher must have kept most of the serious partiers at home. That, and the decided lack of a liquor sponsor.

That was a nice venue, though. We'll havt to learn where it was hosted, so as not to ever mistakenly patronize them.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Aug 17, 2009 11:50:20 AM

John S. wrote: "This is actually the first time I ever heard she was married! I didn't know any man would touch her."

Maybe she is married to a deeply closeted homo desparately pretending to be straight. Physical female attractiveness probably doesn't matter much to such a person. But Maggie doesn't even have any inner beauty to help compensate.

Posted by: Richard Rush | Aug 17, 2009 11:58:09 AM

Through the anonymity of the Internet, I would like to say that I hate this stupid cunt to the very core of her pathetic existence.

A NOM worker and a supposed ex-gay.

Posted by: aNOMymous | Aug 17, 2009 1:10:28 PM

I almost didn't recognize her without the red power jacket.

Posted by: zortnac | Aug 17, 2009 1:25:41 PM

Lady knows how to work a crowd.

'A bunch of small tribes believe in polygamy'.
Well at least she respects other cultures lol

Posted by: Ashton | Aug 17, 2009 2:35:57 PM

aNOMymous, are you the one that leaked the outtakes from the "Gathering Storm" video?

Posted by: Dick Mills | Aug 17, 2009 2:50:40 PM

It's strange... she sounded really friendly, and the whole thing sounded like a really nice party, up until she started talking about "male and female". It's weird to me that people can be so cheerful and friendly while denying peoples' rights.

And as for that teenager bit... it sounds like she's either trying to say it's only teenagers who support gay marriage, or it's only teenagers that are gay and it's just a phase.

Posted by: Yuki | Aug 17, 2009 3:07:20 PM

Yuki wrote, "It's strange... she sounded really friendly, and the whole thing sounded like a really nice party, up until she started talking about "male and female". It's weird to me that people can be so cheerful and friendly while denying peoples' rights."

I think a lot of it is a complete lack of empathy for anyone different than themselves. Not only don't they consider the feelings of others, but they don't trust their own true feelings. They need to consult the Bible to see how they must feel. The Christian love they claim to have for others isn't real feeling. It's just something the Bible tells them to do, so their demeanor of friendliness and love is just a performance - and a bad one at that.

Posted by: Richard Rush | Aug 17, 2009 4:58:47 PM

"They need to consult the Bible to see how they must feel."

Richard, if that were true, I don't think that any of them would hate us. The fact of the matter is that instead of reading the book themselves, they sit through a lecture given by someone who knows that fear and hatred keep the offering plates full.

The pastor at my mom's most recent church (she's done some church hoppin' in her day) gets 35% of the "take" for his services. To protect their revenue stream, they need to keep those people whipped up into a frenzy. That keeps the wallets open. They have a vested interest in blasting the rhetoric, and fanning the flames. And, they can twist those verses to mean whatever they want them to. Hating on us is a cheap high for the minions, and we are an easy target for the charlatans.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Aug 17, 2009 7:51:14 PM

Richard Rush wrote, "I think a lot of it is a complete lack of empathy for anyone different than themselves. Not only don't they consider the feelings of others, but they don't trust their own true feelings. They need to consult the Bible to see how they must feel. The Christian love they claim to have for others isn't real feeling. It's just something the Bible tells them to do, so their demeanor of friendliness and love is just a performance - and a bad one at that."

That definitely seems to be the case. It's less so the Bible, though... all of it is up to interpretation and historical inaccuracies, people don't follow all the Bible's rules and don't have the mind to look at it and think about what THEY believe rather than everything that the Bible says, and besides, it says to love everyone and not to judge them.

I think that's the biggest problem I have with anyone like this. They can be totally friendly (as Maggie Gallagher seems to be), but they don't seem to understand that in insisting we want special things and such, they're judging us, which is one of the biggest things the Bible stresses not to do.

Posted by: Yuki | Aug 17, 2009 10:02:28 PM

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