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Video: 'I don't get the controversy,' says man who's never met a controversy he won't exploit

by Jeremy Hooper

We reallllllllly wish Donald Trump would stop acting as if he has no clue why Carrie Prejean's "opposite marriage" answer was maligned/controversial/challenged/protested. But we are glad that David Letterman is using his own airwaves to voice his audience-backed support for marriage equality:

Donald, you don't get it? Well here, let us try to explain. You know those marriages that you've had three of now? Yea, well -- some of us are not legally allowed to have even one. And even those of us who are allowed to have a wedding are still denied federal rights. So when someone gets on a national stage and gives a factually inaccurate answer that fosters a climate of discrimination, we might see a need to push back. But then when that same person immediately sidlse up next to the National Organization For Marriage, Focus on the Family, and The Liberty Counsel (among others) and takes their personal opinions to the public political arena? Well then, Mr. T., we get downright angry and possibly even confrontational. Ya know, the same sort of anger and confrontation that you have proudly fostered and exploited as a staple of your NBC reality show.

It's totally fine if you want to support Carrie. But please don't play dumb when assessing her situation. You should know from your own alimony payments just how costly one's uninformed marital opinions can be.

Letterman - Trump's Beauty Pageants [YT]
(H/t: Towle)

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