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Video: 'This gay marriage thing'...'a civil wrong'
We've pondered it. We've given her the benefit of many doubts. We've tried to see her fight as being solely about her convictions rather than about us as people. But ya know, we're really beginning to think that Maggie Gallagher just doesn't like us:
Stakes High in Maine Gay Marriage Battle [CBN]
Fair enough. It's her own unfortunate role in future civil rights documentaries that she's self-casting.
Your thoughts
How many chins does that woman have?
Posted by: Dick Mills | Aug 10, 2009 5:07:57 PM
I'm gonna have to start keeping a tally of how many times she uses that insipid yet catchy "It's a civil wrong" tagline.
Posted by: Andrew H | Aug 10, 2009 5:11:45 PM
Like six, I think. Each one has its own personality.
Posted by: Katarina Banner | Aug 10, 2009 5:32:46 PM
I hate that woman so much.
Posted by: Sam | Aug 10, 2009 5:41:17 PM
Blah. Blah. Blah.
YO! Gallagher! 1996 was thirteen years ago! That is one and one third decades! The times have changed. BOTH parties have warmed up to gay rights(only a little for Republicans, but a little is better than nothing).
These words like "impose and protect" are not fooling me. How does gay marriage hurt traditional marriage? How does it hurt you? How does it hurt children(I want studies to back up your answer on this one - RELIABLE and AUTHENTIC ones)?
Your actions are a pathetic 'civil wrong.' Please do all of us a favor and make another 'A Storm is Coming' ad. I really need a good laugh after listening to your mindless drivel.
Posted by: KZ | Aug 10, 2009 6:19:02 PM
Let's not resort to cheap shots about her physical appearance. There are many, many more things about her that are uglier.
Posted by: Bill S | Aug 10, 2009 6:19:54 PM
Why does the right only like full faith and credit when it comes to guns?
Posted by: Brian | Aug 10, 2009 6:34:15 PM
It took me a minute to figure out why this news broadcast was pandering to Ms. Gallagher. Then I realized it wasn't news. CBN is a propaganda outfit. Fail.
Posted by: SammySeattle | Aug 10, 2009 7:19:21 PM
Wasn't it that shining pillar of tolerance and love, Jerry Falwell, who coined the term, 'civil wrong?'
Those are some great footsteps to follow, Ms. Gallagher. You should be ashamed.
Posted by: DN | Aug 11, 2009 7:44:05 AM
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