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We told them not to ban Suze Orman's equality

by Jeremy Hooper

200908111523-1We knew from endeavors like their garage sale that Focus on the Family had to be suffering some financial straits. Now in a revelatory new pitch letter, Dobson's discriminatory descendants reveal just how badly they are suffering, reporting that the anti-gay group's "income is down nearly $6 million from what we expected and planned for this year":

Silver lining of the recession: Focus on the Family is broke [Amplify]
(H/t: PHB)

Gas-guzzling cars. Pricy McMansions. Strawmen, gay scapegoats, and fear-mongering talking points. At times like these, Americans just can't afford to waste cash on such frivolous items!

Though we do hear that they've already come up with one way to not avoid the fate of other failed companies: By recycling those companies' signs:


**UPDATE: And let the cuts begin.

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Your thoughts

I have, even in my recent past, occasionally been accused of gloating. And, I really wish that evidence existed that suggested that their rabid hatred of us has finally come back to bite them on the ass. But, there is the possibility that this might not be a great opportunity for gloating. The chain of events that precipitated this recent fiscal shortfall over at the FOF, may be mostly or even entirely related to the economy, and the fact that the hordes are in belt-tightening mode.

I (snidely) am personally hopeful that they were heavily "invested" with Bernie Madoff, and that he wiped out half of their assets, but that may be too much to hope for. And, we have seen FOF cut back in the past - like the layoffs at the end of last year after they sloshed almost a million dollars from their trough over into the Prop H8 campaign. But even knowing that, this may still be attributable to the economy entirely.

But, more than anything, I am hoping that this is indicative of an endemic backlash that the anti-gays are feeling, and will continue to feel. Many of the supporters of those factions may truly be unhappy with the aggressively polarizing stands that they are taking. The fact that they have swung so far to the right, and are so agenda oriented, might just be off-putting enough to slash deeply into their fundraising efforts.

And, maybe that will be the beginning of a kinder, gentler, friendlier less-polarizing FOF going forward.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Aug 11, 2009 9:11:12 PM

Unfortunately, my experience with evil people is that they tend to live the longest lives. Until we take them down, they are going to continue to harass, persecute, maim, rape and kill us. It's time for all to sign the petition to have the 1964 Civil Rights Act amended to include GLBT people. To sign the petition, go to: http://www.thepoweronline.org/

Posted by: Michael | Aug 12, 2009 2:48:53 PM

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