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We'll take the high road
Rev. Don Wildmon, founder and chairman of the American Family Association, has been hospitalized in critical condition for treatment of meningitis.
Christian leader hospitalized with meningitis [AP via ONN]
We wish the Wildmon family well. Despite the fact that their head has been wishing our family unwell for the past many decades.
Your thoughts
Isn't meningitis spread (in some cases) by blood sucking insects. It's almost unheard of, though, that the blood sucking insects actually contract it. (Oh! Come on.. you know it was funny!)
Posted by: Dick Mills | Aug 18, 2009 11:29:08 AM
As much animosity as I feel toward Mr Wildmon, I do feel sorry for his family. Even the most hateful and hurtful among us have someone who will miss them when they are gone.
Posted by: WilliamM | Aug 18, 2009 12:12:55 PM
Seems his GAWD knows how to inflict pain on his unworthy flock too. Let's put this guy on the Christian Health Policy and see if he survives.
Posted by: Michael | Aug 18, 2009 1:41:04 PM
And in other news, Robert Novak died. I hope it was a glioblastoma.
Posted by: Tony P | Aug 18, 2009 3:47:54 PM
We wish Tim Wildmon and the rest of the family much peace during this difficult time. Surely they are grieving and in pain.
We sincerly hope that, as sad as this situation may be, that it can be a little reminder that we all walk this planet for but a brief moment and we are only measured by what we do with our time. And surely our belief structure, no matter its connection or lack of connection to any particular faith, tells us that the best way to spend our days is in promoting, helping, loving, and encouraging others rather than in seeking harm, pain, and the destruction of lives.
Let's all hope that this tragic event can give perspective to those at AFA and guide them away from their politics of destruction and animus.
Posted by: Timothy Kincaid | Aug 18, 2009 3:57:38 PM
I suppose it would be politically correct to extend sympathy for the Wildmon family. I don't think they would be willing to extend that same kind of heart felt sympathy for me, my partner, or my family. I am quite sure they'd be willing to heap "thier gods" wrath up gays because we are perverts, sodomites, and pedophiles, without really knowing who we are. What we feel. How we live. I am at best apathetic in this matter.
Posted by: jim casella | Aug 18, 2009 6:08:24 PM
jim casella, Jerry Falwell got them all on the same page when he suggested that AIDS was god's wrath against us. They have proven that they are entirely devoid of empathy when it comes to us.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Aug 18, 2009 7:25:55 PM
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