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Betty vs. the 'agenda' of learning in peace
Betty Peters is not only a member of the Alabama Education Board, but also a leader of the very far-right, very homo-hostile Eagle Forum. And she is now using that dual role to take on the "radical" idea that gay kids should be protected from the "smear The Queer" tournaments that are still far too prevalent in American schools:
Betty Peters, a member of the Alabama education board, said the [anti-bullying] bill would allow gay activists to work their language and curriculum into schools.
"We need to punish all bullies," she said, "regardless of their motivation."
Peters said gay activists are encouraging like-minded individuals to sign up for local committees that will be responsible for writing similar policies. She encouraged parents who oppose the gay agenda to do the same.
"They should let their local boards know that they want all children to be protected," she said.
Alabama's Anti-Bullying Law Could Further Gay Agenda [FOF's CitizenLink]
Oh, that old "all bullying is bullying" canard. As if the popular straight cheerleaders are at the same risk as the long-shunned "sissy" kids. No acknowledgement of the actual data. No recognition of the need to protect vulnerable groups. No recollection of the recent senseless deaths of Lawrence King or Carl Walker-Hoover. No premium on any idea except the one that says any and all proposals involving LGBT people constitute some kind of "special rights" advancement.
That may be popular in Ms. Peters' Eagle Forum circles (where, as you can see from this newsletter in which Betty is featured, the "homosexual agenda" is a major topic of conversation). But in her role as an official of church-separated, public education, the failure to see the anti-gay problem is not only offensive and hurtful: It's also dangerously negligent!
Your thoughts
I wonder if the Alabama Education Code has a religious anti bullying law. After all if homosexuality is a choice than religion is even more of a choice.
Posted by: jeffchang0114yahoo.com | Sep 29, 2009 11:50:17 AM
Truth Wins Out posted a story about Alabama's new antibullying law last night.
Until now, there was no law. The new law empowers the state board of education to define populations that are likely to be bullied. The state board won't protect LGBT people, but the law also empowers local districts to add additional categories of people that are not protected by the state.
This is what upsets Focus on the Family -- they do not want LGBT people to possibly be included either statewide or locally, but they are fine with other categories such as religion being protected.
Posted by: Mike Airhart, TWO | Sep 29, 2009 12:09:42 PM
"We need to punish all bullies," she said, "regardless of their motivation."
And people like Peters would be the first ones to scream "activist judge" or "judicial tyranny" if a judge allowed an LGBT student to file a lawsuit against a school district because "LGBT students aren't a protected class."
Posted by: stojef | Sep 29, 2009 6:14:55 PM
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