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Charla's school

by Jeremy Hooper

This comes from the student application for Calvary Chapel Christian, the school where Stand For Marriage Maine's star teacher, Charla Bansley, teaches:

Screen Shot 2009-09-24 At 9.56.26 Am-1
*Source: CCCS application

So let's recap: The teacher (and anti-gay activist) who the "Yes on 1" campaign is using to resist the acknowledgement of LGBT people in public schools actually works for an institution where belief in Jesus is the number one job requirement. An an institution where personal faith Bansleyviews are the admitted driving force. And what does that mean for LGBT students/parents? Well, we've already shown you the letter that was sent to us by one of Ms. Bansley's students, in which mere support for marriage equality is said to be enough to earn one of Ms. Banley's students a trip to the principal's office. So we're pretty sure that even simple acceptance of gayness is out of the question at CCCS.

Ms. Bansley of course has every right to teach at a private, religious institution. And this private institution has every right to follow such guidelines. But to use this particular teacher to say that we gay folk are the ones who are indoctrinating?!?! And that we're the ones who have an "agenda"?!? Puh-leeeze! The hypocrisy is simply astounding.

**Perhaps Stand For Marriage Maine should run this as a companion video:

*Source: CCCS intro vid

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Your thoughts

That intro video was very frightening. The fact that there are institutions like this that are hellbent on indoctrinating students is very frightening

Posted by: dragon88 | Sep 24, 2009 11:02:06 AM

Great tats on that one instructor, but Leviticus 19:28

"Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD." (NIV)

Another selective reading of God's inerrant Word, I take it.

Posted by: Bill Ware | Sep 24, 2009 11:54:03 AM

".. every day we pray that god will give you the skills necessary to be successful.."

Because god knows that we aren't giving you anything that will help you to become successful.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Sep 24, 2009 12:48:44 PM

"certified teachers"?
Don't they mean "certifiable"?

Posted by: Bill S | Sep 24, 2009 6:24:42 PM

Also that last sentence is...well, I don't know what it is.

Posted by: emjayay | Sep 25, 2009 4:46:58 AM

..... no they mean certified - as in: have previously been in a mental institution.

Posted by: John K | Oct 16, 2009 5:47:31 PM

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