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D-OR offers D'OH on DOMA
When it comes to our relationships and the legal recognition thereof, there are some people who wish we would "repent." Fortunately, there are many others who realize that it is those who have trespassed against our civil equality who should truly be repentant. And some are even big enough to publicly admit it:
On July 12, 1996, I cast the worst vote of my political career. Having served in public office since 1973, that says something. While I've made other mistakes, this was different: it was a deliberate vote that I knew to be poor public policy and was against my values. I've been a strong champion of civil rights and protections based on sexual orientation since I chaired the first legislative hearing on anti-discrimination legislation in 1973. Even worse, this vote was cast after careful consideration.
Having given it much thought, I was convinced that by voting for this one federal statute against the recognition of same-sex marriage, it would somehow take the steam out of the Newt Gingrich-Tom Delay Congress, which was using the homophobic right-wing agenda to mobilize their base at the expense of millions of gay, lesbian, transgendered, and bisexual Americans. My hope was to simply move on and get to more pressing business at hand, including smaller steps for equality based on sexual orientation, like legislation against employment discrimination.
Since I was an outspoken supporter of anti-discrimination, I assumed that my calculations would be understood by my friends in the community and that we would lay this obnoxious political vendetta to rest. Wrong on all counts.
*KEEP READING: Proudly Changing My Position on DOMA [Huff Po]
If only scientists could finally perfect that time machine. Though if credible science did make such a discovery, history shows us that many of DOMA's staunchest supporters would likely reject it anyway.