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Forgive me, father, but I won't be resigned
Earlier this week we told you how Portland, Maine's Bishop Richard Malone is calling on local Catholics to hold a special collection at this weekend's services, with all of the acquired lucre going to the cause of inequality for gay folk. Fortunately, however, the state's fair-minded Catholics are fighting back against both the bias and the hijacked faith. A group calling itself Catholics For Marriage Equality is suggesting a two-fold response:
"First, instead of money, we urge parishioners who support marriage equality to place a note in the special collection envelope stating that they do not support the bishop's stance to deprive same-sex couples of the right to civil marriage and will instead donate funds to NO on 1/Protect Maine Equality, which opposes Question 1, or to a charity that is inclusive of all families.
"Second, we ask supportive Catholics to sign our petition affirming that the Church can define marriage as it wishes for its members but that marriage as a civil right is the prerogative of the state to define.
Our petition is available at: religiouscoalition.org.
Another Maine Press Release- This One From Catholics For Marriage Equality [PHB]
We like it! The only thing we would add is to bring a slice of wedding cake to eat along with our communion wafer. But that's just us. We enjoy cake.
It remains to be seen what Bishop Malone will do with all the pieces of paper he receives in the collection. But if our civil marriage licenses are any guide, he'll probably ask a majority of his fellows what they think before he'll even acknowledge that they exist.
Your thoughts
Maybe he can fold them until they're all corners and stuff em' up his ass.
Posted by: Tony P | Sep 11, 2009 9:43:44 PM
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