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FRC finally questions a Dubya

by Jeremy Hooper

NOWBecause of the progressive organization's support for equality, the Family Research Council's Tom McCluskey asks of his readers, "What DOES the “W” Stand for in NOW?":

NOW, formerly known as the National Organization for Women, has come out strongly for gay “marriage” and overturning the Defense of Marriage Act.
What DOES the “W” Stand for in NOW? [FRC 'Cloakroom' blog]

You know, because equality doesn't do anything for women. Oh no. Not the lesbian or bisexual women who want to marry. Not the heterosexual-yet-allied women who want their friends, family members, and neighbors to have the rights they deserve. Not the straight women who unwittingly marry gay men who were pressured to enter into loveless unions. Not the little girls who could and should be taught that prescient wedding visions can extend beyond their own female-centric, hetero-focused daydreams. No, no -- marriage equality is only for the penis possessors.

[/unabashed snark]

Seriously, Mr. McCluskey: Your real question, should not regard what the "w" stands for -- it should be about the crucial injustices for which principled groups like NOW will never stand! Fortunately for us, civil bias against HUMAN BEINGS is one of their must-nots. The same sort of bias that your own side's so-called Concerned Women For America has put on their own unfortunate list of supposed women's interests, then exported to any gender willing to listen.

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Your thoughts

So.. can anyone remember the last time an actual woman spoke for Concerned Women of America?

Posted by: penguinsaur | Sep 21, 2009 1:05:17 PM

Concerned Women of America, formerly known as NOT NOW, I have a headache!

Posted by: Dick Mills | Sep 21, 2009 2:43:17 PM

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