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God won them CA? Well then why does Maine need to import Schubert Flint?

by Jeremy Hooper

He says:

"I had said [last year] that if God would bring the victory in California, I would give Him all the credit anywhere I get to speak about what happened in California," Clark said. "I told them God won the battle in California, and the same God that won the battle in California can and will win the battle in Maine."

-Chris Clark, a California pastor who spent last fall lying about how civil marriage will force pastors to marry same-sex couples, and who is now sharing that "expertise" with Maine. [Quote source]

HE says:

"Yea, take that gays! I'm comin' to gitcha. Gitcha, I say!! Boogey boogedy boo. Enjoy your promise of equality now, Maine 'mos, because come November I'm gonna take a day off from ensuring that Jenna Elfman makes a triumphant return to situation comedy and instead dedicate my energy to ripping gay families apart. Bwaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!! BWAA HA HA HA HA!!!!

And should the gays somehow happen to win? Oh, well that will be because I overslept or something. In no way should gays ever think I sided with them. Why, they haven't dedicated even one iota of time towards ripping civil rights away from a minority group -- why should I reward
them with anything?

Oh, and don't be confused if you can't find these teachings in the current Bible. I scored a nice deal with Simon & Shuster, and will hopefully have the Even Newer Testament (with forward by Maggie Gallagher) in stores by Rapture shopping season.

-The far-right's frighteningly homo-hostile version of God, who seems to get more anti-Maddow with every passing election season.

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Your thoughts

God would not "win" them California since it goes against Scripture. "Treat others as you want to be treated" does NOT mean "take away the civil rights of law-abiding, taxpaying, gay Americans" no matter how much radical anti-gay activists insist it does. Why would God support sin (homophobia)?

The Bible warns us that many will be turned away on Judgment Day although they will claim to have done so much for God. Jesus will say to them, "Depart from me, for I do not know you." NOM, Chris Clark, et al. will have a lot of explaining to do on Judgment Day!

Posted by: Michael | Sep 15, 2009 3:52:54 AM

I have to ask was that S&S an actual rip at the publisher or just to use a well-known publisher's name.

Cause I'm trying to have a novel finished and was thinking of going through S&S for publishing... but I don't want to if they're homophobic...I couldn't find much on it on google or in research so I'm just curious.

Posted by: Jake | Sep 16, 2009 12:46:42 AM

Why would any gay couple go to a haters church and demand to be married by a person who hates them? These people are demented.

Posted by: Mykelb | Sep 17, 2009 3:22:20 AM

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