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'Hair' cut: What turned musicals' top dog$ into principled barbers

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2009-09-30 At 4.04.53 Pm-1Today's New York Times has a really nice piece about the Hair producers' decision to close the Sunday 10/11 matinee of the hippie-loving Broadway show so that the cast can attend and perform at the National Equality March:

That unusual — and expensive — decision to skip a popular weekend performance at the beginning of the theater season originated with the show’s star, Gavin Creel.

“I said, ‘My God, we have to go, we have to go,’ ” Mr. Creel recalled when he first heard about the rally late last spring

‘Hair’ Closes for One Day So Cast Can March in Rally [NYT]

As for those of you who are going to the march in hopes of seeing the nude scene: Well, don't hold your breath, prospective peepers. We're marching to show the strength of our numbers, not our girth in frigid temperatures!

But of course whatever message they convey at the march won't really take off until the 5th Dimension does a cover version of their performance.

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Your thoughts

I would have phrased that "We're marching to show the strength of our numbers, not the size of our members!"
But that's probably why YOU have a blog and I don't. :)

Posted by: Bill S | Sep 30, 2009 4:26:42 PM

Ha! I like yours better, Bill!!

Posted by: G-A-Y | Sep 30, 2009 4:34:33 PM

I think Marilyn McCoo of the Fifth Dimension is 66 years young today. What a voice!

Posted by: Dave b | Sep 30, 2009 10:36:14 PM

Whoa, ur right, Dave. What a weird coincidence

Posted by: G-A-Y | Sep 30, 2009 10:39:33 PM

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