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In which a commenter throws us some (lamp) shade

by Jeremy Hooper

This comment, based out of Brooklyn, just arrived on one of our old posts:

Screen Shot 2009-09-13 At 8.35.18 Pm-1

Mental note: Avoid all Brooklyn lampposts. Sure, Mr. Jose dude man may told us we have until after feces meets fan technology until we have to start our worry clocks. But when it comes to the potential of being forced to act out a tragic final act of a really f***ed up Peter Pan play on a random Red Hook street corner, "better safe than sorry" has always been our motto.

Which is a real shame, as we totally count on those particular street-illuminating devices to guide us to our weekly Sick Excuses meetings. [::le sigh::]

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Your thoughts

This comment merits no more knowledge of the English language than that above seventh grade level - in a reasonable school district.


Posted by: Dale | Sep 13, 2009 9:36:51 PM

The way Jose words his veil-less threat, it sounds like we "sick sons of bitches" are the only thing that is keeping "our great nation" from being lost. It sounds like we are the only thing keeping the shit from hitting the fan, and that if it ever does, the conquering force will come after us first (presumably to ensure that the occupation doesn't fail), and then they will hang us from the lampposts. At least that's the way I read it. I do like his (improper as it is) usage of the semicolon.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Sep 13, 2009 11:53:28 PM

A look into the mind of a prop-8 supporter.

Posted by: penguinsaur | Sep 14, 2009 1:48:39 PM

I trust that Mr. Jose will bring along a sufficient number of friends to escort us to these lampposts. There are a number of gays who firmly believe in the 2nd Amendment and have lots of ammo.

Posted by: John | Sep 14, 2009 2:20:22 PM

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