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Mike abandons organization the way Maine's 'yes' campaign abandoned him

by Jeremy Hooper

heathYou know Mike "gays cause bad weather/graffiti/economic crises" Heath, the longtime, very far-right leader who the more "mainstream" anti-equality folks at Stand For Marriage Maine have been desperately working to keep in the closet? Well, it looks like they're not gonna have him to kick around anymore:

Mike Heath, the longtime leader of the Christian Civic League of Maine, announced today that he is moving on. Expressing appreciation for the League, Heath said that it has been a great honor to serve.
The board accepted Heath's resignation yesterday during a meeting at the League headquarters building in Augusta. They expressed unanimous and strong support for the forty-eight year old leader. Heath pledged his full support to the League.

Heath Moves On [The Record]
(H/t: Alvin McEwen)

Makes us wonder if there's more there to this. Was Mike pressured to get out of the way in order to help the "official" anti-equality campaign? Was he fed up with the way he was treated by the organized "Yes on 1" folks (which was pretty sh*tty, considering how much he's been a part of the marriage "fight" for over almost two decades)? Or was he really just ready to leave the makings-gays-feel-like-rats race behind?

We may never know. But whatever. God(who you deny to gays)speed, Mr. H!


**SEE ALSO: Pam's got more on Heath's exit and his track record

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Your thoughts

Any day now, this dude is going to be outed. It's probably good for the other side that they are ditching him, so they can pretend they knew he was a "bad egg" all along.

Posted by: Jaime | Sep 22, 2009 2:21:29 PM

Maybe he got caught doing something naughty with a guy.

If Peter folds in the next two weeks, we'll know they were together at the time.

I mean, the AFT website is already in autopilot mode, it seems...Peter's just throwing up old shit about NAMBLA. He must feel the fight permanently slipping out of his grasp.

Posted by: Break the Terror (Evan) | Sep 22, 2009 7:16:09 PM

Sounds like the Holy Spirit convicted his heart about something. Sin of homophobia?

Posted by: Michael | Sep 23, 2009 3:25:00 AM

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