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Narrowing the Focus

by Jeremy Hooper

Even more downsizing from the house that Dobson built:

Focus on the Family announced a reorganization Wednesday that will eliminate 75 jobs — an 8 percent reduction in a workforce that already has been cut twice since September 2008.
“These are tough economic times,” Focus spokesman Gary Schneeberger said. “The challenges have made us take a hard look at what we do structurally and strategically so we can accomplish our mission more efficiently.”
Focus laying off 75 employees [Gazette]

Which is perfect timing, as we at G-A-Y just happen to have an opening for a new Director Of Telling Us All The Secrets And Strategies That A Certain Colorado Springs Organization Uses To Deny Gays of Their Civil Rights During The Time That You Were Employed There. The position is unpaid, but it will help clear any karmic debt you may acquired in your endeavors hurting LGBT people in the name of faith.

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Your thoughts

Have they gotten rid of that Stuart Shepard or Kim Trobe yet? Plus any staff that produced that "Stoplight" or "Turn Signal" tripe. Maybe they also fired the moron who came up with the names for those steaming piles of media. Must have been a member of the Palin family, because no one else would be able to come up with such insipid names - next show will be "Track", or "Rifle", or "Tail Pipe", or something equally insipid. Though, "Tail Pipe" might be worth watching...

Posted by: Dick Mills | Sep 3, 2009 12:35:37 PM

It's good to see some new blood in the game. It looks like they have studied the "game plan" from the "No on H8" campaign, and are (so far) mostly doing the opposite. Will that be a good strategy? Time will tell, but it certainly cannot end any worse than the Prop H8 campaign did.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Sep 3, 2009 12:44:39 PM

Oooooops... it appears that I posted my comment about the Maine Campaign ads on the wrong page. Some days are like that...

Posted by: Dick Mills | Sep 3, 2009 1:21:08 PM

Laying off 75 employees? Wouldn't you think that a grateful god would take better care of those who do his work?

Posted by: Richard Rush | Sep 3, 2009 2:21:43 PM

The more "downsized" that odious organization becomes, the better.

Posted by: Rachel Snyder | Sep 3, 2009 5:06:10 PM

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