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Photo: It's ain't a conservative party till the 'ex-gays' show
Talking Points Memo has a gallery of photos from this year's Values Voters Summit. Here's but one:
We hear the exhibitor was hoping that through hope and prayer, he could "change" his Blackberry into an iPhone. Science (and Apple's proprietary restrictions) be damned!
Values Voters Gallery: PFOX booth (and more) [TPM]
Your thoughts
Looks like he could use a friend! It's really sad (and lonely) when the despiser becomes the pariah.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Sep 21, 2009 12:25:40 PM
OOOOO. I see the HUGE CROWD around that booth! They can't even convince their own that its a reality.
Posted by: Mykelb | Sep 21, 2009 8:43:26 PM
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