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Social cone-servative

by Jeremy Hooper

BJsWhen it comes to Ben & Jerry's decision to change the name of their "Chubby Hubby" flavor to "Hubby Hubby" in honor of Vermont's newly-initiated marriage equality, longtime scooper of inequality Peter LaBarbera feels too frigid to melt:

"Besides the health aspects, there's also the fact that homosexual behavior is opposed by God, and that's something that we should take seriously," he contends. "All homosexual behavior is sinful, and regardless of what liberals say or what Ben & Jerry's puts on a tub of ice cream, that remains the case."
Ben & Jerry's ice cream honors same-sex 'marriage[ONN]

Oh, Peter. Have you tasted all their flavors? Ben & Jerry might very well be God!

But then again, this is a man who will rage if he so much as sees a male person sucking on a popsicle. So who's really all that concerned with his confectionary condemnations?

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Your thoughts

It is a fact that God hates homosexual behavior? Really? I didn't realize that blind faith and fact were the same thing.

Posted by: stojef | Sep 2, 2009 11:49:51 AM

LaBarBear is living proof that there is no god - or at least that his god never existed. Because any god that would live up to the reputation that he (and those of his ilk) claims that he does, a god whose wrath knows few boundaries, and a god that "will not be mocked", would surely strike dead any self-appointed lying liar who claimed to be speaking in god's name - especially when the liar's motivation is just to earn a paycheck.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Sep 2, 2009 12:34:20 PM

"Besides the health aspects, there's also the fact that homosexual behavior is opposed by God, and that's something that we should take seriously" -The Peter

Peter, you should take seriously the overwhelming likelihood that no gods exist. I am so confident that no gods exist that I can say "f**k your god" without the slightest concern about consequences. So, while you waste your life quivering in fear of your god, I'm free to live without those worries. And I don't need a god to tell me that it's a good idea to treat others the way I would like to be treated. I know that you Christians arrogantly claim that your religion is the only source of decency, morals, and goodness, but the fact is that your religion is responsible for an enormous amount of indecency, immorality, persecution, and vile nastiness. And you, Peter, are a prime example of that.

Posted by: Richard Rush | Sep 2, 2009 1:48:26 PM

Oh Jesus that moron needs to sit the hell down. It's ice cream for crap's sake. There's no room for religion in ice cream!
Personally I thought it was a really cute idea though. Although I learned in one of my earlier business classes that B&J is one of the most responsible (ecologically, among their employees, fair and balanced) employers in the world, so them being pro-gay marriage comes as no surprise.

Posted by: Mrs. M | Sep 2, 2009 3:13:51 PM

Does The Peter have ANY credibility left? He seems to just get dumber...and dumber...and dumber...and...

Posted by: Bill S | Sep 2, 2009 3:49:04 PM

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