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'The Real Homosexuals of West Hollywood'
Ilene Chaiken's intended "L Word" spinoff may bought "The Farm." But that doesn't mean Showtime is done with the Sapphic set. In fact, they have a new "L"-branded project in the pipe:
Showtime is reviving "The L Word" -- but this time as a reality series.
Pay cabler has greenlit nine episodes of "The Real L Word: Los Angeles," from "L Word" creator Ilene Chaiken and reality producers Magical Elves ("Top Chef").
Show will follow six lesbians in Los Angeles as they go about their lives -- a lesbian answer to Bravo's "Real Housewives" franchise. Project is dependent on casting, the net said; if all goes as planned, "The Real L Word" would debut sometime next year.
'L Word' is now a reality [Variety]
You simply can't kill it. it's like the Village of the Dental Dammed, this show!