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'The Real Homosexuals of West Hollywood'

by Jeremy Hooper

More-L-WordIlene Chaiken's intended "L Word" spinoff may bought "The Farm." But that doesn't mean Showtime is done with the Sapphic set. In fact, they have a new "L"-branded project in the pipe:

Showtime is reviving "The L Word" -- but this time as a reality series.

Pay cabler has greenlit nine episodes of "The Real L Word: Los Angeles," from "L Word" creator Ilene Chaiken and reality producers Magical Elves ("Top Chef").

Show will follow six lesbians in Los Angeles as they go about their lives -- a lesbian answer to Bravo's "Real Housewives" franchise. Project is dependent on casting, the net said; if all goes as planned, "The Real L Word" would debut sometime next year.

'L Word' is now a reality [Variety]

You simply can't kill it. it's like the Village of the Dental Dammed, this show!

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