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They of course want her for her healthcare policy acumen

by Jeremy Hooper

Well it looks like they finally got her. After weeks of listing the former Miss California as merely an invited speaker for their intensely anti-gay Values Voters Summit (to be held 9/18-9/20 in DC), the Family Research Council has now switched Carrie Prejean's status to "confirmed":

Screen Shot 2009-09-08 At 5.49.43 Pm-1
Values Voters Summit [FRC]

Geez. Soon even Anita B. will have to look rightward to see Ms. "Opposite Marriage"!

We'll have to wait and see what Carrie will have to say to the gathered masses (she's scheduled to speak at 11:40 on 9/19). Though we'd imagine the speech will start with something like: "Dear like-minded choir who will fully accept the idea that I'm some sort of a martyr even though I'm the one who has gone on a hostile tear against others' civil liberties..."

**SEE ALSO: Our complete Values Voters archive

**SEE ALSO: Max Blumenthal's eye-opening assessment of the '07 soiree:

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Your thoughts

I wonder if she'll be wearing a top

Posted by: Timothy Kincaid | Sep 9, 2009 2:23:19 PM

She should get a sash that says, "Ms. Opposite Marriage", since she can't wear the California one, any longer.

But, this brings sooooo many questions to mind: I wonder if Perkins has a tiara for her? Maybe she is getting more plastic surgery paid for by the VVs in exchange for her appearance? Maybe a third boob? How much does that gig pay? How much will you bet that she is there (probably with Chuck Norris in tow) hocking her soon to be ghostwritten book?? You've gotta love capitalism!

Posted by: Dick Mills | Sep 9, 2009 3:02:47 PM

I've said this before and will again--I would love to hear any of these other participants bitch and complain about the "immodesty" of non-conservative Christian celebrities or average young women now.

Posted by: GreenEyedLilo | Sep 10, 2009 12:16:41 AM

They think they're christian; god is not mocked, right Carrie?

Posted by: nikkon | Sep 10, 2009 1:46:00 AM

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