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They who remedy boo-boos are now working to prevent a historical one
If there's any group that truly protects children, it's pediatricians. And guess what? In Maine, that group has unequivocally come out against those who toss around rhetorical "protect children" claims as a way to justify their discrimination:
For Immediate Release:
Maine Pediatricians Urge Voters to Reject Question 1
Maine Chapter Reasserts Marriage Equality Serves Children
Portland, Maine (Tuesday, September 22, 2009) – Citing child welfare and their commitment to support what is best for children, physicians from the Maine Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) today announced their support for the NO on 1/Protect Maine Equality campaign.
“Children who are raised by legally married parents benefit from the legal status granted to their parents. What is good for parents and families is good for children," said Dr. Jonathan Fanburg, president of the Maine Chapter of the AAP. “The Maine Chapter of AAP is opposed to the referendum vote that challenges the marriage equality law.”
The Maine Chapter's statement reads, in part:
"As physicians who care for children and their families, we are committed to supporting what is best for children. And there is no question that when their parents can marry, children are more protected legally and socially."
“Marriage equality is the right thing for Maine's children, and will strengthen and protect families who have lacked legal recognition for too long,” said Augusta pediatrician Dan Summers. “As pediatricians, we see how supportive parents -- whether gay or straight -- positively impact the development of children. That is why we oppose the referendum that would rescind the law that allows same sex couples to marry."
A national report commissioned by the national AAP concludes that the legal status that marriage achieves “promotes healthy families by conferring a powerful set of rights, benefits, and protections that cannot be obtained by other means.”
Your thoughts
Way to go Maine pediatricians! This is really a great thing.
Posted by: Stef | Sep 22, 2009 12:27:59 PM
Great...forwarded all over country. Especially to those now working to repeal PropH8 in CA. Must get our Ped's onboard and OUT LOUD.
Posted by: LOrion | Sep 22, 2009 12:50:14 PM
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