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Tomorrow in Maine: We seize upon a teachable moment!
Get ready, kiddies -- Maine's anti-equality side is about to make us sound like the schoolyard bully who bullies the slightly smaller schoolyard bully:
MEDIA ADVISORY, Sept. 22 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Stand for Marriage Maine:
WHAT: Teleconference to unveil Stand For Marriage Maine's second television ad, Everything to do with Schools, FOR CREDENTIALED MEDIA ONLY.
WHEN: 11:00 am eastern standard time
WHERE: Please call communications director, Scott Fish (207-458-7185) for dial-in information. Be prepared to provide the number from which you will dial into the teleconference. If your number does not match, you will be dropped from the call.
WHO: Stand For Marriage Maine campaign representatives, teacher and parents in the ad.
Stand for Marriage Maine will launch its second statewide television ad on September 23, 2009, directly depicting the impact on children's education should LD 1020 become law.
Stand for Marriage Maine Everything to do With Schools Ad Launch Media Advisory [Christian Newswire]
Interestingly (read: enragingly), the Proposition 8 campaign ran an ad with this exact "Everything to do with schools" title. Guess Stand For Marriage Maine is working under the "if it broke gays' spirits, then don't fix it" principle of hurtful politics. You learned that classy rule in school, right?
Our advisory: Get ready to push back and push back hard, folk! These self-appointed moral authoritations are about to tell the world that we endanger kids. Let us repeat that: They are about to tell the world that we, by virtue of our gayness, endanger kids! For all that is good and decent in the world (and for the young folks in our own lives), we must stand up and carefully detail the fact that their campaign has "everything to do with unscrupulous discrimination!"
**UPDATE: Before watching SFMM's ad, watch a mother's heartbreak [G-A-Y]
**UPDATE 2: SFMM went ahead and released the spot early. It's almost exactly the same as the Prop 8 one that we linked in this post, except they actually use one of their own team members to play the teacher role: Video: Now they're using their own troops as 'teachers'?!? [G-A-Y]
Your thoughts
IMHO, the No On 8 campaign did not respond effectively to the "Everything to do with schools" attack from the right. Here are my thoughts about why:
Let's hope the No On 1 folks in Maine have a better response prepared.
Posted by: Dana | Sep 22, 2009 11:22:36 PM
Radical anti-gay activists began their "gays harm children" lies with Anita Bryant in the mid-1970's. Nothing has changed. This is essentially the same ad they ran here in California against Prop. 8. They will keep running these ads as long as they work and so far, they have worked for over 30 years.
The pro-equality side needs to be ready to push back with a good counter-punch which we did not do in California. Good luck! May God bless the pro-equality side!
Posted by: Michael | Sep 23, 2009 3:29:25 AM
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