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Unlike the Cat-a-holics, who just want us to enjoy pussies
We've found even more evidence that Catholics (led by Bishop Malone) are trying to do to Maine what Mormons did to California. On 9/13, they of course held their special collection for the cause of banning equality. This past weekend, the following messages ran in Catholic churches bulletins across the state (though largely concentrated in Portland):
9/20/09 Bulletin [Cathedral of the Catholic Immaculate Conception]
Another week, another bulletin blurb that noses into the business of the loads of gay couples who are at home, watching "Meet The Press," minding their own business.
And there are still six more weekends until election day. Who knows, in late October, they might just completely replace the bulletin with an absentee ballot.
Your thoughts
And other gay couples are attending church services... though not theirs. The nerve!
Posted by: Christopherâ„¢ | Sep 22, 2009 11:58:59 AM
it would seem that the time for the catholic church to lose its tax exempt status has come.
Posted by: alguien | Sep 22, 2009 1:30:40 PM
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