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Video: Robbing the gayness, taking it to the Banks

by Jeremy Hooper

Back in March, we showed you some clips of a Connecticut church, Manifested Glory Ministries, trying to "exorcise" a gay man's "demon." Today on the "Tyra" show, Ms. Banks follows up with the victim and the... -- well, they all kind of seem like victims to us:

Ooh, juicy.

Of course if you're wanting to exorcise your queer demons, we can't imagine that the "Tyra" studio is the best place for your reformation. Now the "700 Club" -- that would be an appropriate booking. Patty R. would swallow this story hook, line, and sinker and give the family a shredded pride flag as a parting gift. But as for Tyra and company? Well, one walk past the makeup and weave room could bring out the inner 'mo of even the most beer commercial-castable of straight men, much less a gay dude who's simply been bullied into faith-based compliance!

*We'll try to get you some clips from the episode. As of now, the only ones to have made it to the Net were immediately yanked from YT.

**UPDATE, 9/24: A glimpse:

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Your thoughts

I exercise my queer demon ALL the time!

Posted by: Dick Mills | Sep 22, 2009 5:16:50 PM

Dick: They've corrected it now, but earlier today the @tyrashow twitter had it written as "exercising the gay demon." My mind went to the same place.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Sep 22, 2009 5:26:46 PM

No need to post video. Just the same hypocritical extremist christian garbage.
Having gay sex is a sin so don't have gay sex.
Being gluttonous is a sin so....nevermind.
Females talking Church is a sin so.... nevermind.

Posted by: Jeff Chang | Sep 22, 2009 8:11:33 PM


More videos from there.

Posted by: Matt from California | Sep 23, 2009 12:11:12 PM

"Well, one walk past the makeup and weave room could bring out the inner 'mo of even the most beer commercial-castable of straight men, much less a gay dude who's simply been bullied into faith-based compliance!"

Hmmm, a friend's boyfriend was just cast in a national beer commercial. But I don't think he's been on Tyra.

Posted by: Timothy | Sep 23, 2009 2:50:17 PM

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