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Audio: Can't 'Yes on 1' be factual about anything?

by Jeremy Hooper

Because her name's Monique (MO-NEEK), not Monica:

Anti-'mo marriage and anti-MO names? Well that's an unfortunate M.O. Think we'll vote NO.

**EARLIER: We've already picked apart the ad's claims. Find that here.

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Your thoughts

Exactly the same yellow-and-blue graphics used in California Prop 8 (for yard signs).

Posted by: roscoe | Oct 23, 2009 6:51:40 PM

"Now it's our kids who will suffer."

I choke up every time I hear these douchebags say something like that. I can't even count the number of times I was raped as a child (By ministers and various other so-called "Christian" men, no less), and the very thought of implying that a child will "suffer" because of the pro-fairness, anti-bullying, pro-diversity education in public schools which may or may not arise from the equal right of two men to sign a contract saying they're committed to each other - It's absolute bullshit, and these people deserve no - NO - dignity for not putting their money where their mouth is and being REAL advocates for children.

Yes on 1: Stop using children as political pawns. Focus your energies on ACTUAL child concerns, like abuse. If you ever stop seeing it as a moral imperative to rule over others' sex lives, that is.

Btw, I'm straight.

Posted by: lolculturewar | Oct 23, 2009 8:11:52 PM

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