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Audio: 'Jayla'

by Jeremy Hooper

The National Organization For Marriage is on the radio in New Jersey, using the same script that we've heard a million different times. Although this time, they made the odd choice of changing the name of the daughter, who had previously been known as "Annie" in every other iteration of the spot, so that she's now called "Jayla":

(click to play audio clip)

So why would they go with "Jayla"? Well, it's pretty obvious to us:

Jayla. Kayla was the trend back in the eighties, but now it's Jayla, which rose to #99 in 2006 and is climbing quickly. Jayla is an especially popular choice for African American baby girls.
Baby Girl Names That Begin With J
Meaning of "Jayla"
African-American name

In African-American, the name Jayla means- One who is special.. Other origins for the name Jayla include - African-American, Arabian.The name Jayla is most often used as a girl name or female name.
Meaning of Jayla - History and Origin [Meaning of Names]

Clearly they are trying to divide New Jerseyans, actively targeting the African-American community, in hopes of working the lie that "gays are hijacking The Civil Rights Movement." We saw the beginnings of this in DC, when they changed the ad's narration to what we hear in this version. But now with the "Jayla" name change, it has become clear that NOM, while constantly accusing us of exploiting the gains of the African-American community, are truly the ones who hope to use race as a wedge in this current equality discussion.

Don't buy their obvious games! As Julian Bond said at this weekend's National Equality march:

"When someone asks me, 'are gay rights civil rights?' my answer is always, 'Of course, they are.' Civil rights are positive legal prerogatives: the right to equal treatment before the law. These are the rights shared by everyone. There is no one in the United States who does not, or should not, enjoy or share in enjoying these rights. Gay and lesbian rights are not special rights in any way. It isn’t 'special' to be free from discrimination. It is an ordinary, universal entitlement of citizenship."

Forgive us if we put his opinion in this area above those of Maggie Gallagher and Brian Brown!

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Your thoughts

That's just what I was going to say...Just quote what Julian Bond said this weekend. ...and David Mixner. Even my husband GOT IT, finally, when he heard David talk about CIVIL RIGHTS.

Posted by: LOrion | Oct 13, 2009 7:10:41 PM

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