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Audio: Muttying reality

by Jeremy Hooper

Even Marc Mutty seems to know that his campaign has been deceiving Mainers. This from MPBN:

(Money part comes around 2:15 part)

*Source: Controversy Rages Over Question One's Impact on School [MPBN]
(H/t: Adam Bink)

Okay, can we talk for a second about how INSANELY disingenuous it is for Mr. Mutty to suggest that the idea that marriage would be mandated has been either inadvertent or limited to only one ad?! Because this "whether they like it or not" theme has been the overarching theme that NOM/Schubert Flint/the organized anti-fairness movement in general has been pushing since the Prop 8 campaign (the line was inspired by a Gavin Newsom speech). It has not only been a talking point in for the "yes on 1" campaign -- it's been THE ONLY THING THEY'VE WANTED TO TALK ABOUT FOR MONTHS!!! In all of Stand For Marriage Maine's ads, the pervasive worm they've been forcibly injecting into Americans ears is the idea that poor, helpless heterosexists might be robbed of their ability to shield young eyes form the reality of the world:

And here Mr. Mutty is trying to turn around and say that he only cares about schools not being actively prevented from teaching about gay families (which, obviously, is a complete canard, since preventing such teaching would be inappropriate, offensive, and something that even many super conservative lawmakers would NEVER consider)?! PUH LEEZE!!

The truth is that Mr. Mutty realizes that Mainers haven't bought into the lies (in many cases it's the opposite), and so he is now trying to change his script. Unfortunately for him, his actors already recorded their play-acting for all the world to see. We popped the popcorn and watched his troupe's lil' motion pictures. Hopefully we'll soon pop the bubbly when we celebrate equality's triumph over the same!

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Your thoughts

I hope the No on 1 campaign doesn't miss this golden opportunity...I can see the next No on 1 commercial now:

Narrater: "Opponents of marriage equality admit to using false statements to scare people into believing schools will be mandated to teach about same-sex marriage."

Marc Mutty: "Certainly we led people to believe that inadvertently."

Posted by: Christopher | Oct 19, 2009 9:05:54 PM

The last ad you posted has been pulled from Youtube because of a copyright violation claimed by NPR. Does tht also mean that Yes on 1 shouldn't be palying it on the airwaves in Maine?

Posted by: Adrian Molina | Oct 20, 2009 12:04:23 AM

What a lying psychopath.

Posted by: DN | Oct 20, 2009 12:55:04 AM

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