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Audio: The sanctity of population surveys
Don't ever be fooled, folks. It's not really about children. It's not really about "protecting marriage." It's not really about religious freedom. For our opposition, an America that merely accounts for its gay citizens is an America that will earn ire:
*Source: Census Taking or Agenda Making? [CWA]
Gay tax-paying citizens are somehow militant and the government is somehow agenda-laden because they want to accurately count ALL of their tax-paying citizens? Wow, what unwarrantedly hostile bull [quote] crap!
Our wedding licenses? Our employment contracts? Now our census data? Gee, you really have to wonder when these Concerned Women will cut out the concerned middle man and just start stamping our birth certificates with a "TAINTED GOODS!" label!
Your thoughts
Notice at the end how she says "It would take years for the count of Evangelicals to come out". Translate that to "religious people are being persecuted!". Ignorance is bliss, I guess.
Posted by: John | Oct 5, 2009 10:19:53 AM
These bitches don't understand that we can get married in South Africa, Denmark, Mexico, Canada, etc. I am sending in my Canadian marriage license with my Census form.
Posted by: Mykelb | Oct 5, 2009 10:45:51 AM
Well forget leaving the country, MykelB. We can marry in handful of U.S. states.
And yes, I will put down my Connecticut marriage (recognized in my home state of NY) as a marriage. Anything else would be a lie.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Oct 5, 2009 10:55:40 AM
If nothing else, the godly skanks at CWA are continuing a time-honored religious tradition: When factual knowledge conflicts with religion's power and dogma, deny it, condemn it, censor it, or burn it.
Posted by: Richard Rush | Oct 5, 2009 12:17:46 PM
I'm trying to help the godly skanks at CWA develop a new name for their organization - a name to fully express their mission and who they are. I also thought a catchy acronym would be helpful. My latest proposal is:
Institute for
Theocracy and
Condemnation of
Posted by: Richard Rush | Oct 5, 2009 12:29:00 PM
150,000 of us so far! Yes! I had no idea we were so insidious!
Did these idiots ever consider that maybe the reason we are getting information faster is because of the way information is gathered nowadays?
Posted by: stojef2005 | Oct 5, 2009 7:30:42 PM
Hi G-A-Y, I was married 3 years ago in Vancouver, BC :)
Posted by: Mykelb | Oct 6, 2009 11:48:08 AM
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