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D.C. to Dignify.Commitments?

by Jeremy Hooper

Dc-2-2Washington D.C. Council member David Catania is introducing his marriage equality legislation at next Tuesday's meeting:

Catania made his announcement before 150 gay rights activists gathered in Shaw for a rally featuring the Rev. Eric P. Lee, president of the Los Angeles chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

"We are going to do it now," Catania told the crowd. "We are going to do it now, not for ourselves, but for the young people who are 20 years-old, 16-years-old, 13-years-old."

According to a copy of the bill, the city code would be changed to state "marriage is the legally recognized union of two people" and "any person ... may marry any other eligible person regardless of gender."
Catania: Gay Marriage Bill Will Debut Tuesday [WaPo]

Now, the bill is supposed to easily pass the council, but the bigger hurdle will come when it has to pass the U.S. Congress (or, more accurately, Congress just needs to not act against the bill). Fortunately, the news on that front seems promising as well.

So unadorned ring fingers cross, District gays (and all of us, really). Marriage inequality (at least on the local level) might soon be another relic to confine to the area's many museums. The National Hot Air and Wasted Constitutional Space Museum, perhaps?

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Your thoughts

Let's be totally clear - it doesn't need to *pass* the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Congress just needs to leave the bill alone. They don't actually have to approve every District law, they just have 30 legislative days to interfere.

But fingers crossed!

Posted by: Jenna | Oct 1, 2009 12:04:03 PM

Oh yea, thanks for that clarification Jenna! I'll add a parenthetical element to make that clear.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Oct 1, 2009 12:12:06 PM

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