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I'm married. NY recognizes it. They want to take it away. This sh*t be personal.
FACT: New York has a history of recognizing marriages that were legally performed elsewhere, even if they weren't legal in the Empire State itself. Common-law marriages are one instance. Another is in the case of unions from states where the legal age to marry is/was lower than in NY. And there have even been instances where certain kinds of relatives were able to legally hitch it in another state, so NY had to obey the union.
FACT: Recent polling data shows that New Yorkers support same-sex marriage. More here.
FACT: New York state basically has de facto marriage right now. But by forcing couples to go across state lines in order to get married, the state is simply exporting the economic benefits.
FACT: New York state does not have a so-called DOMA law.
FACT: Some of the arguments that have been used to deny comity in the past are quite unfortunate to look back upon now. If you get some time, check out some of these snippets from author and researcher Peter Wallenstein. Some of the interracial marriage comments are beyond hostile. it seems that when it comes to denying something as easy and natural as love, short-sighted bias has tended to play a role in the arguments of those who wish to deny comity.
That's how this writer, an actual gay New Yorker in a legally-recognized same-sex marriage, see things. Now listen to how the Colorado Springs-based activists with Focus on the Family view the Arizona-based Alliance Defense Fund's attempt to f*** with Empire State law:
ADF Lawsuits Try to Stop New York from Recognizing Out-of-State Gay Marriages [FOF]
FACT: These folks would force us at cross-point to take back our wedding-gifted waffle irons if they thought they could get away with it.
FACT: They can't and they won't. Our victory is inevitable. never forget that.
Your thoughts
I find it somewhat amusing that one of the voices says (paraphrased): "Let the citizens of New York vote for themselves." How can they vote for themselves when groups like FOF, NOM etc pour tons of money to SWAY the opinions(facts) to those voting?
Posted by: aj | Oct 15, 2009 12:42:02 PM
Thank you for the talking points. This absolutely pisses me off, 'cause my wife and I are in the same situation as you and your husband. Actually, L'Ailee and I were forcibly legally divorced by Massachusetts judges once (like other out-of-state same-sex couples), but went back there to get legally married again last year. To have these carpetbaggers come in and try to yank it out from under us and couples like us again has us so angry we see white. And you know, I think the ADF and FOTF really *would* like to make us take back our wedding gifts (and spend the money on ex-gay "therapy") if they could!
Posted by: GreenEyedLilo | Oct 17, 2009 9:44:55 AM
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