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SFMM yanks everyone's chain; NPR yanks their vid

by Jeremy Hooper

Jen-Cyr When this writer first heard that NPR had the latest Stand For Marriage Maine ad pulled from YouTube, the fair use advocate in me was concerned about the slippery slope element of pulling an ad on the basis of a 5-10 second, fully attributed clip. But now that NPR has clarified more, and now that they are discussing the broadcast ads in addition to the web ones, it's becoming clear that the "yes on 1" team's political actions here go beyond fair use:

National Public Radio is demanding that the Stand for Marriage Maine group stop using its content in television ads supporting a people’s veto of a new same-sex marriage law.
“NPR did not license use of this story or its content, and would certainly not have licensed or permitted it if we had been asked,” Rehm said in a statement. “NPR is a highly respected news organization and does not allow its content to be used by political or advocacy groups. Such use is harmful to the integrity and independence of NPR. NPR does allow – even encourage -- personal, non-commercial use of our content, so long as it is not modified, and not used in a manner that suggests NPR promotes or endorses a cause, idea, Web site, product or service. The use made by Stand for Marriage Maine violated all of these terms.”
NPR wants same-sex marriage ad pulled [PPH]

So if the NPR claim holds up, then that means SFMM just wasted their supporters resources on an ad that should've never been made. Sure to anger a few on their side. But for a course that has been filled with holes since day one, this is merely par.

Though perhaps the funniest part of this Portland Press Herald report comes with this line:

Rehm said NPR has sent a “take down notice” to YouTube, which was broadcasting a video of the commercial, and to “hotdaddy,” the company that was serving up the video.

Uhm, did SFMM seriously hire a company called "hotdaddy"?! What, was "musclestud4u" unavailable or something?!

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Your thoughts

2M4M, hotdaddy...

I'm starting to think Brian Brown is trying to meet guys through targeted messages that Maggie (his fruit fly) won't understand.

Posted by: Matt Algren | Oct 20, 2009 4:10:57 PM

If you guys haven't been party to the Facebook group, Stand for Marriage Maine, you'd miss out on some ignorant folks thinking that NPR, YouTube, and Facebook have colluded into silencing them from speaking their "truth."

It's hard to fight ignorance. God Bless Mainers for trying to do so.

Posted by: Tommy | Oct 20, 2009 7:12:13 PM

This stupid ad came on at 8:59 pm last night, right before the Rachel Maddow show (with Jesse Connolly). So much for pulling it from the airwaves.


Posted by: Leslie | Oct 21, 2009 9:06:29 AM

Are you seriously that stupid?

Youtube hires hotdaddy to serve it's videos.

I don't think you have any idea how this 'interwebz' thing works.

Posted by: Dann | Oct 22, 2009 1:59:09 PM

Well please explain it to us, oh wise one who uses "it's" instead of "its."

Posted by: G-A-Y | Oct 22, 2009 2:13:53 PM

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