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Video: 'Kevin's a radical extremist,' say those who radically, extremely oppose his appointment

by Jeremy Hooper

Now that the young man has been proven to have been of age, the far-right have toned down their insanely unscrupulous attempts to make Kevin Jennings sound like a perverted supporter of statutory rape. But they haven't stopped attacking him for being an out and proud gay man who wishes to make life better for the same:

Education Appointee is Cause for Concern [FOF]

So to translate Candi Cushman's carefully talking-pointed shpiel: Focus on the Family opposes him because he gets in the way of them implementing their own agenda of keeping queer kids bullied, harassed, fragile, vulnerable, more likely to engage in high-risk situations, depressed, unaddressed in the law, and wholly hidden from public view. That's not an overstatement: It's all laid out there on the table. Sure, it's masked behind claims of "propaganda" and ad hominem labels like "radical extremist." But in this case, one really doesn't even have to put all that much pressure on their surface-scratches to get to the unprincipled truth.

Kids: This October, be careful about consuming too much of Candi's sugary sweetness. There's a politically motivated trick behind that treat.

*EARLIER: They hate him because he's a professional gay. Period. [G-A-Y]

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Your thoughts

OK I have to say, Nima Reza is cute. I think he has worn glasses in other videos, which are just to die for.

Posted by: DN | Oct 6, 2009 8:42:38 AM

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